Enforcements (Continued 2)
2019 – 2020
20.115.U Dismissed (1/26/2021) Lack of Statutory Authority and a lack of sufficient evidence of material violations of NC General Statute 89D.
20.114.S Dismissed with Warning to comply with Board Minimum Standards .0504 “Finish Grade”
20.113.U Dismissed with Warning (1/26/21) regarding advertising as landscape contractor in violation of N.C. General Statute 89D.
20.112.U Consent Judgment: Millwood, Ryan, Asheville Landscaping Services
20.111.U Default Judgment: Blackwell, Jeff; Blackwell Landscaping Group, Inc.
20.110.S Dismissed (10/23/20) for lack of sufficient evidence of material violations of 89D or the Boards Administrative Rules. No statutory authority.
20.109.U Dismissed with Warning (10.23.20)
20.108.U Dismissed with Warning (8/18/20) regarding the requirements for licensing.
20.107.U Dismissed (8.18.20) for lack of evidence on any ongoing violation of NC General Statute 89D.
20.106.U Dismissed (4/7/20) All references of landscape contractor removed from advertising upon notification of violation of N.C.G.S. 89D.
2018 – 2019
19.105.U Dismissed (8.18.20) Lack of evidence on any ongoing violation of NC General Statute 89D.
19.104.U Dismissed (1/29/20) – Lack of sufficient evidence of material violations.
19.103.U Dismissed (1/29/20) – Lack of sufficient evidence of material violations.
19.102.S Dismissed with warning to comply with Chapter 89D-12; “License required; use of seal; posting license”, and with the Board’s minimum standards, specifically .0103 “Practice of Landscape Contracting; Display of License Number.
19.101.S Dismissed (10/15/19) – Lack of sufficient evidence of material violations.
19.100.U Default Judgement – McCollett, Tony, Untouchable Landscapes, LLC
19.99.S Consent Order (Reprimand): Kell, Michael Andrew and Wm. R. Curtis, Inc.
19.98.S Consent Order (Reprimand) – Thorpe, Daniel Stetler, DS Thorpe Landscapes, LLC
19.97.S Dismissed (10/15/19) with warning to comply with the Board’s minimum standards .0501 and .0508.
19.96.U Dismissed (1/29/20) – Lack of sufficient evidence of material violations.
19.95.U Consent Judgement: Smith, Joseph Russell & Mahaley Louise Smith, Smith’s Lawn & Tree Company, LLC
19.94.U Injunction: Patterson, Chase, Albemarle Landscapes, Inc dba Albemarle Landscape and Tree Services
19.93.S Consent Order: Brook, Christopher; Brooks Nursery, Monroe, NC
19.92.S Dismissed (10/15/19) – Lack of sufficient evidence of material violations.
19.91.U Consent Judgement: Juarez, Juan Tolentino, Magnolia Landscaping Pro, LLC
19.90.U Dismissed (8/13/19) – Lack of Statutory Authority. (Subject property out of state.)
19.89.U Consent Judgement: Scott, April, Lake Norman Stone
19.89-2.S Dismissed (8/13/19) – With caution to comply NC General Statute 89D and the Board’s minimum standards.
19.88.U Dismissed (8/13/19) – Lack of sufficient evidence of material violations.
19.87.U Dismissed (8/13/19) – Lack of sufficient evidence of material violations.
19.86.U Dismissed (8/13/19) – With caution to comply minimum standards.
19.85.U Injunction: Harman, Derek; Turf Tamers Lawn and Landscape, Inc.; Wilmington, NC
19.84.S Dismissed (8/13/19) – With caution to comply minimum standards.
19.83.U Dismissed (12/23/19) – Company dissolved.